ABN AMRO invests in fourth Social Impact Bond

ABN AMRO’s Social Impact Fund, Buzinezzclub and Start Foundation have committed to invest € 1.7 million to help young people in the Dutch city of Eindhoven find a job. These three parties will use an innovative financing instrument for this purpose: a Social Impact Bond (SIB). This will be the first Social Impact Bond launched in cooperation with the municipality of Eindhoven.
A Social Impact Bond (SIB) is a contract under which private investors commit to contribute to solving a social problem. Whether investors will recoup their investment and receive returns depends on the success of the project.
Six SIBs are active in the Netherlands at present; ABN AMRO has invested in four of them. The goal of three of these SIBs is to find employment for young people – in Rotterdam, Utrecht and now also in Eindhoven. The first results in Rotterdam are very encouraging.