ABN AMRO Procurement is the central purchasing department and the key point of contact for new suppliers of products and services to the bank. We lead the entire procurement process: from selection and negotiations to contracting. We make sure the process is carried out transparently and with integrity. Our business relationships with suppliers are based on mutual respect, collaboration and professionalism. This is something we ask from ourselves and from our suppliers, who we encourage to conduct their business in a sustainable and responsible manner.
Transact business with ABN AMRO on the Ariba network
The traditional way of conducting business with us is changed fundamentally. We collaborate with SAP Ariba to set a high quality standard for Supplier and Source to Pay management processes. And therefore we only use te Ariba Network to transact business with our suppliers. The Ariba Supplier Information Portal provides information regarding the change, use of the Ariba Supplier Network as well as a number of tools.
ABN AMRO Procurement: iBuy
Supplier information management in the SLP portal
ABN AMRO wants to partner with qualified suppliers for their banking operations. Being selected as a trusted supplier, makes suppliers benefit to source new products/services and gaining new business opportunities with ABN AMRO. Essential to this is to have the correct supplier information in our Supplier Lifecycle Performance management (SLP portal). When engaging with ABN AMRO you will be asked to provide your company details through this system. You will receive an invitation email where you can log in with your existing Ariba Network account or sign up for one when your organisation is new to the Ariba Network. You will be asked to also fill out two questionnaires being the Supplier Registration Questionnaire and Bank info questionnaire in the SLP portal. The information added about your organisation to the SLP portal can always be updated by you when needed. This is a good way to stay in control of the information of your organization and a joined effort with ABN AMRO to increase data quality on suppliers.
Please read and follow the support documents below for an optimal SLP Registration:
If you require any further information. Please contact Procurement.
Ariba Network Pricing Model
New suppliers transact on Ariba Network for free. Please note! Based on the total volume of transactions and spend received in your account, a pricing model could be associated with the use of your account.
Existing suppliers with an Enterprise account or a Standard account
Read more about the different Ariba Supplier accounts (Standard and Enterprise) and Pricing.
Go to the Ariba Supplier Information Portal for more information and instructions such as:
Supplier & E-Invoicing
Where possible, ABN AMRO wants to electronically process the invoices it receives from suppliers. For the bank, e-invoicing is the next step towards sustainable processes, cutting down on the use of paper. An added advantage is that e-invoicing shortens the billing process.
ABN AMRO opts for e-invoicing
How this will benefit you
Your invoices will be paid on time
No more need to chase us up and sift through paperwork
Your paper consumption will be cut
Producing and sending invoices will be faster
24/7 online access to real-time status of your invoices
Efficient processes between buyer and seller can be commercially advantageous.
What e-invoicing meansfor you
As a supplier, you will provide your invoice details electronically by entering the data on the website of our e-invoicing partner Ariba (no more need for emails, PDF or Word documents).
The invoice details will be passed on to ABN AMRO using a secure network either through manual data entry or fully automatically.
How it will benefit us
Minimal manual checks thanks to uniform data entry
Minimal chance of payment reminders
Our paper consumption will be cut
Manual post processing is a thing of the past
Invoices can no longer be lost
Accurate reporting thanks to shorter billing cycle
ABN AMRO is currently running an e-invoicing pilot with selected suppliers to gain hands-on experience. They have been provided with a Quick Start manual. Once the pilot has beencompleted, e-invoicing will be introduced gradually among all ABN AMRO suppliers.
ABN AMRO is partnering with Ariba for its e-invoicing processes. Ariba is the world’s largest supplier of integrated electronic solutions for commercial business processes, from ordering to payment. It connects the buying and selling parties with one another (www.ariba.com). The Quick Start manual can also be accessed on ABN AMRO’s suppliers portal on the Ariba Network.
Third Party Risk Management
In addition to our commitment to promoting corporate responsibility, doing business with ABN AMRO means that suppliers must provide safe services, secured data, products and have to (help to) meet the requirements set by the authorities and regulators such as De Nederlandse Bank (DNB), the European Central Bank (ECB) and European Banking Authority (EBA). ABN AMRO acts in accordance with the guidelines set by the Regulators and actively steers on ‘Third Party Risk Management’. As a result, suppliers are assessed at the onboarding and continuously monitored for all risk aspects arising from the service during the term of the contract. ABN AMRO does not do this alone and has outsourced a part of these activities to Third Parties.
Onboarding classificatie
ABN AMRO is collaborating with third-party service providers, this comes with certain risks that could have an impact on our license to operate. For this ABN AMRO uses different systems, each with a different purpose. Currently there are four different questionnaires in place. Depending on which tier is applicable, suppliers are asked to fill in one or more questionnaires. Below you can find an overview of these questionnaires ABN AMRO uses for gaining insight into potential risks and what you can expect as a supplier. It also specifies what information is required per Third Party Risk Management tier.
Risk management using Hellios: Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS-NL)
To fill out our Third Party Risk management efficiently, ABN AMRO has entered in a collaboration with Hellios and Bitsight which creates opportunities and makes it easier for suppliers to do business with ABN AMRO.
Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS-NL) is designed to standardise and manage the requests made by financial institutions in the field of Compliancy and Risk Management. FSQS-NL is being used by other big financial institutions. This makes it possible for suppliers to adhere to multiple requests in one go. By using FSQS-NL, ABN AMRO is able to gather the required data in a simple and standardised way and comply to the requirements set by the Regulators and report on them. With this, FSQS-NL is thus an integrated and mandatory part of our procurement process.
Our Procurement Consultants also use this system to select already qualified suppliers from the system for selection of potential new selected critical services or goods. A qualified supplier status gives good insights during our Procurement process and offers opportunities for creating new business with ABN AMRO.
The Bitsight Security Performance Management Platform is able to measure the performances of suppliers’ digital footprint and to accommodate investments and actions with the highest measureable impact over time. By evaluating the suppliers digital footprint Bitsight helps to prevent the risk of exposure to cyber risks for the supplier and it’s entire digital ecosystem.
Information Security Standard
As an important part of its Third Party Risk Management, ABN AMRO also expects from its suppliers to have an effective information security policy in place in accordance with the generally applicable standards of the information security industry. These standards can be found in the ‘Vendor Security Standard’.
The Vendor Security Standard is designed to identify a minimal standard for information security demands in which suppliers at the organisational level have to meet. This is required to be able to comply and to be able to do business with ABN AMRO. We expect suppliers to, adhere to the Security Standard and have an information security policy and appropriate adherence measurements in place.
In case a supplier is not yet able to meet these standards as mentioned in the ‘Vendor Security Standard’, we aim to set up agreements with the supplier to be able to comply as soon as possible. Depending on the provided product or service there could be additional measures required to keep ABN AMRO’s information security to the required level and to comply to the overall security strategy.
Under the tabs you will find important information for suppliers. Should you not find the answer to your question under the tabs. Then please contact Procurement.
ABN AMRO seeks to contribute to society by purchasing sustainably. We use products and services that are not harmful to people and planet and encourage our suppliers to do business responsibly. In doing so, we improve on two fronts: we make our own business operations more sustainable and we Our purpose is clear: Bank for better, for generations to come. Therefore we closely work together with our suppliers to ensure throughout the value chain, business activities are carried out in a fair manner, with integrity and respect for people and environment.
Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Procurement is purchasing with the most positive environmentally and economically effects possible during the entire life cycle and with the aim of minimising adverse effects.
The supplier is expected to make its sustainability policy transparent and share this with ABN AMRO. We reach fair agreements with suppliers where the foundations are not yet in order or who during the term of the contract no longer comply with the sustainable policy . Making more impact means wanting to do more than is strictly necessary to mitigate risks and to comply with the basic requirements that are applicable to all purchasing categories. Additional requirements and/or wishes can be applicable to comply to our purpose and Strategy.
ABN AMRO Supplier Code of Conduct
Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are part and parcel of ABN AMRO’s purchasing processes. All our suppliers sign our ‘code of conduct for suppliers’. The Supplier Code of Conduct sets out how suppliers behaviours that we expect of suppliers who are delivering goods and services to or on behalf of ABN AMRO should treat their employees and the environment, comply with legislation and regulations, and provide a safe workplace. In selection of suppliers we perform sustainability checks to guarantee ensure suppliers comply with our policies.
Sustainable collaboration with Global Sustainable Enterprise System
ABN AMRO attaches great importance to a sustainable supply chain and aims to create more transparency by working with its suppliers. To give an extra boost to our Purpose ‘Banking for Better, for generations to come’ Procurement has entered into a collaboration with Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES). Through this collaboration with GSES it is possible for ABN AMRO to measure and create insights into the sustainability criteria for suppliers and the supply chain.
GSES helps both ABN AMRO and you as suppliers to gain insights into our and your interpretations of the sustainability policies. We expect our suppliers to adhere to their sustainable choices and policies with a sustainability verification report as stated in the Supplier Code of Conduct. We do this through GSES. However it is possible to create a report in GSES based on data from Ecovadis.
For more information about Global Sustainable Enterprise System, please read the GSES brochure.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your ABNAMRO Procurement representative.