Subordinated and Capital Securities

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  • Investor Relations

ABN AMRO shares are listed in the form of depositary receipts on Euronext Amsterdam. ABN AMRO issues various classes of subordinated bonds and capital securities to professional and institutional investors in order to meet various regulatory and capital requirements or steer towards a desired profile.

This section provides an overview of the outstanding Senior Non-Preferred (SNP), subordinated Tier 2 (T2) and deeply subordinated Additional Tier 1 (AT1) securities.

The following table provides an overview of outstanding securities per instrument class and provides access to final terms for each instrument. The offering documents are available in Programme Documentation and credit ratings are available in Credit Ratings.

Outstanding Bonds

'MREL' means eligible for MREL up to 12 months prior to the legal maturity, whereas 'T2' means fully eligible as T2 up to 5 years prior to the legal maturity and amortising eligibility towards zero over the last 5 years of legal maturity.


ABN AMRO Treasury

Team Treasury