ABN AMRO offers solution to pilots in dire financial straits

ABN AMRO has issued student loans to pilots in the past. However, due to problems on the job market for pilots, among other things, some of these clients are unable to make some or all of their loan and interest payments.
Past measures
ABN AMRO has agreed individual payment solutions with some of these clients in recent years, including with pilots who were temporarily unable to make their payments due to Covid-19. While these measures do help, there is a small group of trained and aspiring pilots who have consistently had payment difficulties for several years now. This includes clients who have been unable to find a job as a pilot or other work.
Solution for dire situations
ABN AMRO has come up with a solution for these trained and aspiring pilots who have consistently had payment difficulties for several years and whose situation is not expected to change. Mirjan Klein Hofmeyer of ABN AMRO explains: “We will consider the specific circumstances of these clients with a pilot student loan to see whether there are grounds to change the loan in order to ease the financial burden. In such cases, the client can be rid of the loan within no more than five years. Since the point at which the consistent payment difficulties arose is taken into account, a solution to dire individual financial situations can be found quickly in some cases.”
Individual talks
Every client with a pilot student loan will be receiving a letter this week, with further information about this possible solution. Clients who we think may be struggling with current and consistent payment difficulties and who may be in a dire situation will then receive a letter with additional information within the next two months. Clients do not need to contact us themselves. Around 200 clients are thought to be affected. We will sit down with these clients to take stock of their financial situation and see if they are eligible for a solution. This arrangement does not apply to clients who do not have current and consistent payment difficulties or to trained and aspiring pilots with temporary financial problems (due to Covid-19, for instance). ABN AMRO will attempt to help clients with temporary payment difficulties in a different way where necessary.