Sustainability discount on mortgage interest

ABN AMRO cares about contributing to a more sustainable world and accelerating the energy transition. Supporting its clients’ transition to sustainability is a key element of the bank’s strategy. We aim to attain an average energy label A for all residential and commercial properties we finance by 2030. We want to encourage our clients to make their homes more sustainable, so we’re offering this sustainability discount as an incentive.
ABN AMRO rewards clients who take steps in this direction with the following discounts on their mortgage interest:
0.10% if their home is officially registered as energy label B
0.15% if their home is officially registered as energy label A or higher.
These percentages could change in the future. Homes with provisional energy labels are not eligible for the discount.
Existing and new mortgage clients receive the sustainability discount if they make their homes more sustainable after the start of a fixed-interest period and if they register their energy label – provided it is either A or B – within 24 months.
The sustainability discount now also applies to renovated buildings that have been upgraded to new-build standards.
ABN AMRO automatically rewards eligible mortgage clients with the sustainability discount. The bank retrieves the energy labels proactively from the Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland (Netherlands Enterprise Agency). If the conditions are met, ABN AMRO applies the discount without the client needing to apply for it.