Making banking accessible to all

ABN AMRO believes banking services should be accessible to all. That’s why anyone needing a little extra help with their banking is welcome to pay a visit to the Help with Banking adviser in their very own neighbourhood. By doubling the number of these advisers, the bank aims to help these clients increase their personal and financial autonomy.
When phoning the bank, callers are presented with a short selection of options to choose from, ensuring they’re put through to the right person as quickly as possible. However, recent conversations with clients and civil society organisations reveal that certain clients experience this type of menu as a barrier to asking for help with their banking, says Gudy van der Wal-Verbruggen, Director of Help with Banking and Financial Accessibility at ABN AMRO. “That’s why we’re looking for a solution,” she says. “In fact, the Help with Banking Line, which has no automated menu, is just one of the many ways the bank is making banking accessible to everyone. And that includes the elderly, as well as clients with mobility or literacy issues. The bank’s ongoing client research will be guiding the changes we make to improve the accessibility of our services.”
Promoting autonomy
“Being able to do one’s own banking is very important and contributes to a person’s sense of autonomy,” Gudy continues. conducted by the Dutch central bank DNB has shown that not everyone in the Netherlands has equal access to payment services, mainly because of the speed at which technology is affecting service provision. However, this looming digital divide can be narrowed through one-to-one banking assistance, DNB says.
ABN AMRO has taken many steps in this area. Indeed, its Help with Banking advisers (formerly known as Financial Coaches) have been a resounding success. These specially trained, empathetic bank employees are available to anyone who could use a little extra help with their banking.
From Texel to Limburg
Clients can phone the Help with Banking Line (on 088 226 26 12 from within the Netherlands) to speak with one of 200 Help with Banking advisers. All calls are answered by an ABN AMRO representative. Gudy says, “Our advisers are based all over the country – from Texel to Limburg. These ‘mobile bank branches’ ensure we’re closer to our clients than ever before.” Advisers can make house calls, but that’s not always necessary, since many questions clients have can be answered over the phone or via Video Banking. Clients can quickly get in touch with the bank on their own tablet, smartphone or computer. A family member is also welcome to sit in on the conversation should the client wish.
Very popular
The advisers were originally known as Financial Coaches. Gudy explains, “The new name, Help with Banking adviser, fits the bill so much better and resonates more with clients.” The services they provide continue to be very popular with clients and their loved ones. That popularity has resulted in a twofold increase in the number of advisers – from 100 to 200 – since last year. The help they offer clients is mainly of a practical nature, involving things like applying for a new debit card, taking out an insurance policy or arranging a direct debit mandate. But advisers can also step in to support a client whose partner has recently died, for instance – an emotional time when many financial decisions often need to be taken promptly.
Moving to online banking
Those who need help with online banking are also invited to contact an adviser. Gudy says, “Clients contacting ABN AMRO who aren’t yet familiar with online banking are put straight through to the Help with Banking Line.” Advisers are on hand to answer any questions involving mobile banking or internet banking. Multiple courses, like the ABN AMRO app course or the internet banking course, are also available to clients looking to learn more. In addition, the bank will soon be launching a course on secure banking. The ABN AMRO was recently improved, and the website now features more than 20 on a range of banking topics. “ABN AMRO is truly a leader in this area,” says Gudy. “In fact, you can even make an appointment online for a Video Banking session with an adviser in sign language.”
A helping hand
With its Help with Banking advisers and related initiatives, ABN AMRO aims to improve accessibility and help promote clients’ financial autonomy. Gudy concludes, “That’s more important than ever given current issues like the ageing population and rapid technological advances. The more people we can help as an organisation, the better.”
Do you know someone who could use a little extra support doing their day-to-day banking? Why not tell them about the Help with Banking Line and the Help with Banking advisers? That way, we can provide the right help to those who need it.