Development of new Green Savings Deposit delayed
Until the middle of 2020, ABN AMRO Groenbank savers were able to turn to Moneyou for green deposits. In August 2020, however, all Moneyou savings activities ceased and it was no longer possible to open a new green deposit via Moneyou.
ABN AMRO Groenbank will be offering a new Green Savings Deposit via the usual ABN AMRO channels, but the new product’s development has run into some delay because of the international rules and regulations that need to be incorporated. Our aim is to bring to market a new Green Savings Deposit by the end of 2021/early 2022. Although temporarily unable to attract savings under the Dutch government’s Green Scheme, ABN AMRO Groenbank’s green projects funding will not be affected.
To ensure adequate funding for ABN AMRO Groenbank, a regular bridging facility has been created at ABN AMRO for use until the new green deposit becomes available via ABN AMRO. As soon as this is in place, bridging facility funding will be replaced by savings attracted under the Green Scheme.