ABN AMRO uses design to help make taking partner leave standard

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Dutch Design Week (DDW 21) will kick off with social design agency ink. launching the Bouw Box (‘Building Box’), commissioned by ABN AMRO. This specially designed ‘leave gift’ is meant to get the dialogue going between parents and employer about taking leave, an issue that’s currently causing gender inequality in the workplace. The gift particularly encourages dads to take parental leave for partners after the birth of their child, as traditional roles are proving to be a key factor in financial inequality between men and women. Taking parental leave for partners helps to break this mould. A life-size version of the Bouw Box will be on show in Dutch Design Week, which will run in Eindhoven from 16 through 24 October 2021.

Figures by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reveal that, on average in the Netherlands, women give up nearly half of their salaries after having a baby. For men, the average is 0%. When fathers take leave after the birth of their child, this reduces financial inequality between men and women, in the longer term as well. To encourage men to actually take this relatively new type of leave in the Netherlands, the designers at ink. and ABN AMRO came up with the Bouw Box.

Taking partner leave crucial for greater equality in the workplace

The Bouw Box, a building box gift from their employer with a range of building bricks, is meant to serve as an invitation to talk about taking parental leave for partners. “Research has shown that taking partner leave affects the equality of men and women in the workplace, as it typically leads to a more equal division of labour between partners in the care and raising of a child way beyond the actual birth. Research primarily found a more unequal division of labour in cisgender heterosexual relationships. Unfortunately, it’s still not common for many men to claim leave when they become a father. To encourage future parents to at least think about this and talk to their employers, we’re launching this specially designed Bouw Box, with the building bricks symbolising the new building blocks partners can use together to create their life around work and children,” reports Nicole Böttger, ABN AMRO’s Head of Diversity & Inclusion.

Power of design to combat financial inequality

To spark conversations among a wider public about financial inequality and the gender disparity underpinning it, DDW21 will showcase a life-size version of the Bouw Box in Eindhoven from 16 October and throughout the week. The Bouw Box has been created by social design agency ink. and was commissioned by ABN AMRO. Anna Noyons of ink. comments: ”Fathers tells us they feel that taking leave will adversely influence their careers. At the same time, more women would like to continue to work or work longer hours, but find that difficult to square, as the care for their children falls largely on them. Design is a powerful way to make people think, to help break taboos and initiate conversations. As a social design agency, we aim to open people’s eyes to gender inequality. Together with ABN AMRO we want to encourage people to talk about parenthood in which men and women are each other’s equals.”