ABN AMRO to change payment packages for retail clients

From 1 October 2020, ABN AMRO will switch to a single basic payment package for all retail clients – the BasisPakket Betalen. The package includes a current account, bank card and access to online banking for € 1.70 per month. Clients can buy additional payment products such as a credit card or a second bank card separately. This means that in future they will be free to select payment products according to their own needs and will only pay for the products they want.
ABN AMRO will also introduce new fees on 1 October 2020. The cost of the basic package will increase by 10% to reflect the bank’s ongoing investment in renewing and improving its payment products and services. The bank also has higher costs to cover, partly due to legal requirements such as combating money laundering. Even with the new fees, ABN AMRO’s basic payment package will still be one of the most reasonably priced products on the market.
Clients will receive a Bankmail message about the changes and a notification in their mobile banking environment or by letter. The letters will be sent in phases over a four-week period starting today.