ABN AMRO targets EUR 3.5 billion in ESG bond holdings in its liquidity portfolio by end 2023

News article
Article tags:
  • Sustainability
  • Investor Relations

ABN AMRO targets an increase in green, social and sustainable investments in its liquidity portfolio to EUR 3.5 billion by the end of 2023. This updates the previous statement made in 2020, in which we focused on green bond holdings.

Raising standards on green, social and sustainable bonds creates the opportunity to broaden the liquidity portfolio’s ESG focus, further underpinning ABN AMRO’s strategy to support the transition to sustainability.

Targeted investments are bonds of which the proceeds are used in line with the Green Bond Principles, the Social Bond Principles or a combination of the two in a sustainability instrument. Inclusion of such bonds in the liquidity portfolio is subject to availability of ESG Reporting, a thorough project selection process and sound management of proceeds.

The bonds to be included must also be in line with the high quality liquid assets (HQLA) criteria of the European Banking Authority (EBA). This will preserve the portfolio’s high quality and liquidity. By actively investing in the euro-denominated ESG bond market, ABN AMRO aims to support the growth of this market. ABN AMRO will report on the amounts of ESG bonds held in the liquidity portfolio as part of its Q4 and Q2 results.