ABN AMRO helps clients improve the sustainability of their homes

Press release
Article tags:
  • Sustainability

ABN AMRO is helping homeowners see in an instant how to make their homes more sustainable. A free online tool, the Energy Saving Check, offers a quick overview of how sustainable the user’s home is and what 'green' modifications will yield: in terms of payback time, comfort and environmental contribution. For example, in less than a minute homeowners can calculate how much they can save by adding extra insulation, fitting a new central heating boiler or installing solar panels. The Energy Saving Check (Energie Bespaarcheck) has been developed by De Energiebespaarders, ABN AMRO's partner for residential sustainability.

Improving sustainability

The online Energy Saving Check instantly shows ABN AMRO clients how much they can save, how much they need to invest and what the payback time is. Clients who want personal advice can make an appointment for an expert to assess their home. They will then receive an Energy Passport – a customised digital report detailing how they can make their homes more sustainable. If they wish, they can ask an installer selected by De Energiebespaarders to make the modifications.

Social impact

The built-up area produces 40% of total carbon emissions in the Netherlands. ABN AMRO wants to play a leading role in improving the sustainability of buildings. The bank finances about 10% of the total floor space of the built-up area in the Netherlands. By teaming up with clients and by using its expertise, volume and network to make homes and offices more sustainable, the bank can have a meaningful impact on society. In this way, ABN AMRO is contributing to a better environment, a healthier society and a more sustainable economy. One way of doing so is to encourage homeowners to invest in energy-saving modifications to their homes."Fifty percent of homeowners set great store by sustainability. We see that many of our clients would like to make their homes more sustainable, but don't really know what the benefits and possibilities are and how to go about it. That's why we are sharing our know-how and insights with clients by offering them tools and services such as the Energy Saving Check, "says Mark van Rijt, ‎Customer Experience Director at ABN AMRO. "Improving the sustainability of your home has many benefits. Not only will it cut your energy bills, but it will also make your property more marketable. Sustainable home modifications can be financed in a variety of ways: with one's own money, a loan, or by increasing one's mortgage. We advise clients who want a sustainable and energy-efficient home and help them decide what the best option is for them."

The Energy Saving Check (in Dutch only) is available for home owners from today.