ABN AMRO and Social Enterprise NL extend partnership

ABN AMRO and Social Enterprise NL, the platform for social entrepreneurs in the Netherlands, have extended their partnership for two years. The contract was signed by ABN AMRO CEO Robert Swaak and Social Enterprise NL directors Mark Hillen and Stefan Panhuijsen.
A logical and important partnership for ABN AMRO, says Robert Swaak: “Social entrepreneurs combine a social purpose with a healthy financial return. With their entrepreneurship they make a direct social impact and they work on creating a better world. And that is completely in line with our social ambition.”
Social Enterprise NL is a not-for-profit foundation that connects and strengthens social entrepreneurs and inspires people to contribute to an economy that is circular, inclusive and free of poverty. ABN AMRO is one of the founding partners of Social Enterprise NL, which has been established ten years ago. Stefan Panhuijsen says, “The number of social entrepreneurs in the Netherlands is growing and that’s good news: these are the pioneers on the way to a new economy. We are pleased that, in part due to our collaboration with ABN AMRO, we can continue to work towards a more sustainable economy.”
The market for social enterprises is still relatively young, but has enormous growth potential. After all, the demand for more sustainable economic solutions is growing worldwide. Impact investors believe that this potential can be better leveraged. They have a strong preference for companies in the growth phase; however, not all social enterprises have reached that stage. And that’s where the banks come in. ABN AMRO supports social enterprises in achieving their aims in the area of social impact, not only by supporting them financially, but also by sharing expertise and giving them access to the bank’s network of investors.