For every new beginning

Our promise

ABN AMRO is there for people with a drive to move forward – in life, business or society, in a big way or small. And people who want to move forward often just begin. But every new beginning brings trepidation, uncertainty, excitement and questions.

To us, it doesn’t matter who you are. Man, woman or otherwise, well-off or born into disadvantaged circumstances, able-bodied or with disabilities. If you’ve got drive, ABN AMRO is there to help you move forward. We realise, of course, that it takes a little bit more courage and determination to begin if you don’t have the same opportunities as others. Indeed, we don’t yet live in a society with equal opportunities for all. Every ambition deserves a fair chance, and everyone should be able to pursue their goals.

This is where ABN AMRO’s commitment lies

For every new beginning. ABN AMRO.

It begins with discovering

At ABN AMRO, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to discover. Because the more they discover, the bigger they dream.

Our promise to women

When you begin, you move forward. But beginning is not easy for everybody. ABN AMRO goes the extra mile for groups that are disadvantaged in our society, such as a large group of women who face obstacles in pursuing their ambitions.

For women, beginning something new may be just that much harder, because they don’t always enjoy the same opportunities. It takes courage, guts and perseverance. But also the knowledge and confidence to make the right choices, in finance and other areas.

That’s why we support the drive of all women to move forward in life. Whether they’re entrepreneurs eager to grow their company, sportswomen training to be the best at any level, or artists deserving to exhibit their work in top museums. We offer them our knowledge, tools, partnerships, inspiration and our network. Because doing so makes the world a better and nicer place.

It begins with conviction.

For every new beginning. ABN AMRO.


Our promise to women

When you begin, you move forward. But beginning is not easy for everybody. ABN AMRO goes the extra mile for groups that are disadvantaged in our society, such as a large group of women who face obstacles in pursuing their ambitions.

For women, beginning something new may be just that much harder, because they don’t always enjoy the same opportunities. It takes courage, guts and perseverance. But also the knowledge and confidence to make the right choices, in finance and other areas.

That’s why we support the drive of all women to move forward in life. Whether they’re entrepreneurs eager to grow their company, sportswomen training to be the best at any level, or artists deserving to exhibit their work in top museums. We offer them our knowledge, tools, partnerships, inspiration and our network. Because doing so makes the world a better and nicer place.

It begins with conviction.

For every new beginning. ABN AMRO.

Young people

Our promise to young people

When you begin, you move forward. But beginning is not easy for everybody. ABN AMRO goes the extra mile for groups that are disadvantaged in our society, such as a large group of children and young people who start life in deprived circumstances. For disadvantaged youngsters, beginning something new is about getting the chance to explore. They still need to discover where their talents lie and what makes them happy. Once they have, they can turn this into a goal or dream and pursue their ambitions. In sports or in culture. That’s why we support the drive of disadvantaged youngsters to explore their talents. This can involve access to sports or discovering a passion for cultural expression, for example through dance or music. We offer them our knowledge, partnerships, inspiration and our network. Because doing so makes the world a better and nicer place. It begins with exploring.

For every new beginning. ABN AMRO.

Athletes with disabilities

Our promise to athletes with disabilities

When you begin, you move forward. But beginning is not easy for everybody. ABN AMRO goes the extra mile for groups that are disadvantaged in our society, for example a large group of athletes with disabilities. Sportspeople who want to participate, but face obstacles in pursuing their ambitions because of a physical or mental disability. For athletes with disabilities, beginning something new may be just that much harder because they don’t always enjoy the same opportunities. It takes courage and willpower. But also the knowledge and confidence to grasp the opportunities there are in disabled sports. That’s why we support the drive of athletes with disabilities to move forward in life. Whether their ambitions are to win a friendly sports match or become world champions. We offer them our knowledge, partnerships, inspiration and our network. Because doing so makes the world a better and nicer place.

It begins with willpower.

For every new beginning. ABN AMRO.

Together for a better future


Taking talent to the top


Childeren should be allowed to dream