ABN AMRO’s Human Rights Remedy Mechanism

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  • About us
  • Sustainability
  • Social impact

We know that people can experience harms from business activities, even when robust prevention measures are in place. If this occurs in connection with our bank, we recognise that we have a role to play in enabling access to remedy for these people, even if we have not caused or contributed to the harm. This is in line with our commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.

About our Human Rights Remedy Mechanism

Our Human Rights Remedy Mechanism (HRRM) is a channel for people who have experienced human rights harms to enter into dialogue with ABN AMRO and its corporate clients that are connected to the harms. It was designed in consultation with civil society organisations, industry experts, trade unions and companies, with the UNGPs’ effectiveness criteria for grievance mechanisms at its core. An independent expert facilitator, appointed by ABN AMRO, oversees the whole process, including facilitating the dialogue between the involved parties. The first two years of the mechanism, lasting until the end of 2026, serve as a pilot during which ABN AMRO gathers input and feedback from stakeholders and submitted cases to improve the process.

How does the HRRM process work?

The detailed end-to-end process is set out in the public procedure document available here. This document is the authoritative explanation of the HRRM process.


1. Submission of a case

  • Submit your complaint in your preferred language through our website.

  • You will receive a notification acknowledging the receipt of your complaint within 10 working days.


2. Evaluation Phase

  • Eligibility review: The facilitator and ABN AMRO review your submission to see if it meets eligibility and participation criteria (see below). A client’s participation in the mechanism process is voluntary. ABN AMRO will be involved in cases where it allegedly contributed to the harm.

  • Initial assessment: The facilitator develops an understanding of your key issues and concerns and the views of all involved parties.

  • Approval: The facilitator proposes how your case can continue to the dialogue phase and all parties agree to continue to the next phase.


3. Dialogue Process Phase

  • Dialogue: The facilitator oversees information sharing, fact finding, dialogue, conciliation, and negotiations between you and all other involved parties.

  • Agreement: The facilitator drafts an agreement capturing the outcomes of this process and solutions to advance remedy. All parties must consent to the agreement for it to be considered final and actionable.

Case registry

We have committed to publish a registry of anonymised cases and their status on this webpage. We add information to the table below when cases come in. We ensure that this data cannot be traced back to any involved party.

Year of submission

Current status

Type of human right(s) impacted



Frequently Asked Questions

Email your questions and feedback to human.rights.mechanism@nl.abnamro.com.

The processing of personal data in the context of this mechanism takes place according to our privacy statement.