Diversity and inclusion
ABN AMRO Diversity & Inclusion policy includes rules and policies related to general (internal) diversity and inclusion.
The purpose of the Diversity & Inclusion policy is to state ABN AMRO's commitment to diversity and inclusion, which includes the promotion of equal treatment and equal opportunity of workers, prevention of harassment, ensuring non- discrimination and compliance with national and local labour and employment laws. It is the responsibility of the management of business lines, countries and their Human Resources (HR) departments to address this policy. For more information about Diversity & Inclusion, reference is also made to our page.
Further requirements and procedures in connection with suitability and diversity objectives have been laid down in the Suitability policy which apply to the Executive Committee and Supervisory Board and its members. This includes various criteria with regard to diversity, such as gender and cultural background.
The Act on gender balance in Management and Supervisory Boards
The act has entered into force on January 1 th 2022. The Act imposes an ingrowth quota of at least one-third male and one-third female members on the supervisory boards of Dutch companies listed in the Netherlands. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. must therefore assess for every appointment to its Supervisory Board whether the ingrowth quota (at least 1/3 men and 1/3 women) is maintained. In addition, ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and its subsidiaries that qualify as large companies are required to have drawn up appropriate and ambitious targets to promote gender diversity throughout the organisations (mandatory target figures)
In 2022, ABN AMRO set very ambitious gender diversity targets for the Extended Leadership Team (ELT) for the period of 4 years, by 2025, 48% of our ELT should be women. We are well on our way, and in 2023 42.4% of our ELT is a woman. Unfortunately, due to a number of changes, amongst which changes in the top structure, the composition of the group has changed and the ELT target (46%) for 2023 has not been met.
We strive to achieve our targets and we do that by the following actions:
The diversity objectives are laid down in internal policies and are taken in the consideration when preparing appointments
All appointments of ELT positions are discussed and approved in the Executive Board with transparency of long list and short list of candidates
We monitor ELT's KPIs on a quarterly basis as part of Enterprise Risk Management
We have an extensive succession planning process with strict monitoring on diversity of the succession pipeline
We have inclusive recruitment interventions
In our leadership programmes we support leaders to create an inclusive environment