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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Energy Transition Fund boosts smart innovations

The Energy Transition Fund (ETF) allows ABN AMRO to invest its own capital in companies and projects that are accelerating the energy transition. In December, the fund acquired a 34 percent stake in Fiberline Composites, a Danish company which produces carbon and fiberglass components for lighter, stronger wind turbine blades. But for Pieter Smit and Gijs Romer, providing additional capital is just one way the fund adds value to companies.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

ABN AMRO focuses on social impact

With its publication ‘How to create positive change – Addressing social challenges in practice’, ABN AMRO aims to kick-start the discussion on social impact. The bank wants to raise awareness among its employees about their own role and is inviting clients and other stakeholders to join forces for social progress.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

ABN AMRO commits to biodiversity: “Once a species is gone, it’s gone for good”

Our planet’s biodiversity is in crisis – one with major consequences, including for the financial sector. What can the bank do to help stop biodiversity loss? ABN AMRO and IUCN NL organised three stakeholder dialogues on biodiversity in December to find answers to this question.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Poseidon Principles: helping ocean-going vessels become more sustainable

The shipping industry plays a crucial role not just in global trade, but also in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a signatory to the Poseidon Principles, ABN AMRO and its clients are committed to halving all greenhouse gas emissions from ocean-going vessels. The first results on emission cuts were published in mid-December.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

How is ABN AMRO promoting gender equality?

In what traditionally has mainly been a man’s world, women’s equality still has a way to go – and the financial sector is no exception. ABN AMRO endorsed the Women’s Empowerment Principles last year and has committed to implementing change through its ‘Banking through a gender lens’ programme. It’s an initiative in which many employees in multiple areas at the bank are involved.

Article tags:
  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Intensifying dialogue with companies the bank’s clients invest in

ABN AMRO wants to encourage the companies it invests in for its clients to adopt more social and sustainable business practices. To that end, the bank is working with engagement partners to hold companies more accountable. “A positive, critical approach makes a big difference.”
