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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Talking to companies about weapons

Weapons and all they entail tend to create controversy, but not all weapons are controversial per se. ABN AMRO has a wide range of tools at its disposal to ensure that the provision of its services does not contribute to the proliferation of controversial weapons or to transactions inconsistent with its purpose of “banking for better, for generations to come”.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Impact Nation: a sustainable result in 100 days

Lots of businesses out there would like to start the process of making their business model more sustainable, but are reluctant to take the first step. Where to start? With a new initiative called Impact Nation, ABN AMRO is helping them make sustainability a reality in just 100 days. “It’s not a quick fix, though – sustainability is hard work.”

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Social Enterprise NL: a catalyst and a source of inspiration

Social entrepreneurs mobilise their businesses to help make the world a better place. Looking to stimulate this type of entrepreneurship, ABN AMRO has renewed its collaboration with the Social Enterprise NL foundation. That’s because social entrepreneurship stands for a new and hopeful definition of profit.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Enexis Holding raises half a billion Euros with its first green bond – supported by ABN AMRO

A sustainable energy sector means more than just building wind farms and solar parks. The electricity grid also has to be primed for the energy transition. To finance the investements required for this transition, Enexis Holding(*) recently joined forces with the bank to issue its first green bond. According to ABN AMRO’s Dick Ligthart, “The Enexis issue is a textbook example of a successful green bond.”

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

A sustainable home – one step at a time

Many homeowners want to make their homes more sustainable. Yet they often put off taking the plunge. ABN AMRO is introducing a personal step-by-step plan so that they can better understand the options, costs and potential returns on a greener home.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

How do sustainability scores affect investor behaviour?

How do investors respond when a company’s sustainability assessment improves? Does a better score necessarily result in greater investment? ABN AMRO recently teamed up with the Oxford Saïd Business School and the Erasmus School of Economics to carry out a study on the behaviour of wealthy investors.
