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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Getting down to business: the bank, too, is making its branch offices more sustainable

ABN AMRO is encouraging its clients to make their homes and business premises more sustainable. But this ambitious goal also applies to the bank’s own offices, and it’s losing no time in making them as energy-efficient as possible. “We’ll be actively sharing with our clients all the knowledge we gain,” says Jordi Scholten of ABN AMRO Facility Management.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

ABN AMRO takes on the challenge of making 700,000 homes more energy-efficient

The Energy Savings Check gives homeowners an instant overview of specific measures they can take to save energy in their homes and supports them in the implementation process. ABN AMRO aims to make over 700,000 homes more energy-efficient – a move which will benefit the environment and homeowners alike.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

This is how we’re getting bank staff to switch to sustainable energy

ABN AMRO’s ambition is to make every aspect of its business more sustainable. And that’s why the bank is giving staff good reasons to switch to renewable energy in their homes. They can even opt for a preferred source of energy.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Richard (re)tweets: “Gaining experience in the area of sustainability means we’re better equipped to advise our clients. It works both ways.”

Richard Kooloos, Head of Sustainable Banking at ABN AMRO and registered tweeter, has pressed the tweet button more than 3,600 times in just over 2,400 days. He shares what he thinks, does and sees in the world of sustainability. This is his selection of tweets from the past quarter.

Article tags:
  • Sustainable banking newsletter

HAUT: Timber!

If you think “concrete colossus” whenever you hear the word “high-rise”, think again. Made primarily of sustainable timber, the HAUT apartment complex under construction at a beautiful location on the Amstel River is scheduled for completion in 2019.

Article tags:
  • Sustainable banking newsletter

The ABN AMRO Sustainable Investment Tool offers insight and inspires business owners to become more sustainable

Many business owners think making their work premises more sustainable is a good idea. But where to start? What about the costs? And who to hire? The bank now offers answers to all those questions and more – in just a few clicks – with the Sustainable Investment Tool.
