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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

'Sustainable travel will be the norm'

Now that the bank’s premises are nearly zero-energy, ABN AMRO is shifting its focus to its employees’ daily commute. Sustainable travel is the name of the game. The aim is to halve the carbon emissions generated by staff commuting to work each day. How does the bank plan to meet this objective? Frank van den Brink, HR Director of Reward & Performance Management, says, 'Soon our employees can boast that one-quarter of all their colleagues cycle to work and that nearly half take public transport.'

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

'Social enterprises can’t make a real impact unless they’re profitable'

As the Netherlands' very first professor of social entrepreneurship, Harry Hummels holds a chair, made possible by ABN AMRO. What does he consider to be the main challenges facing social entrepreneurs? And what’s the key to successful social entrepreneurship? 'The biggest challenge is business management.'

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Circular Pavilion to give visitors environmental wake-up call

On 10 October – Sustainability Day in the Netherlands – a number of ABN AMRO stakeholders were invited to descend into the construction pit for a Green Tour of what's soon to be the bank's Circular Pavilion. 'I didn’t realise circular building was so complex,' one of them remarked.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Richard (re)tweets: 'Ignoring sustainability leads to bad choices'

Head of Sustainable Banking at ABN AMRO Richard Kooloos ranks his favourite tweets and retweets once every three months. This quarter’s picks: the circular car, the energy transition and what children think the world should look like in 2030.

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

'Making ABN AMRO’s property portfolio sustainable is happening faster than expected'

One year ago, ABN AMRO took on the challenge to become the most sustainable real estate bank in the Netherlands. So where does the bank stand now? Rutger Schuur, Head of Real Estate & Public Sector Clients, says, 'It’s full speed ahead.'

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  • Sustainable banking newsletter

Sustainable investment has never been so popular

ABN AMRO has offered its clients the option of sustainable asset management since 2005, but never before has it been so popular. That’s why the bank is now launching Sustainable Investment Advice this autumn for investment advisory clients looking to invest in a fully sustainable way. Eran Habets, Managing Director of ABN AMRO’s Wealth Advisory and Investments, says, 'So many clients benefiting from our investment advice really want a fully sustainable portfolio. I can even imagine that, at some stage, all the bank’s investment activities will be sustainable.'
