Bottle and can deposit refunds go to ‘Tikkie for Healthcare’

Amsterdam University Medical Centre, location AMC, launched a charity initiative on Monday 24 April, in which deposit refunds for plastic bottles and cans are donated to healthcare. Called ‘Tikkie for Healthcare’ (Tikkie voor de Zorg), this brainchild of Professor Marlies Schijven will enable her to set up and facilitate projects supporting healthcare with digital technology.
Marlies Schijven explains. “We need to thoroughly research healthcare technology – for instance apps that serve as medical devices – before we can decide how to make the most of them to help our patients. And, equally importantly, how they can help to make the jobs of our healthcare workers easier.”
Hein ter Braak: “The Tikkie for Healthcare project demonstrates that donating by Tikkie is not only simple, but also really helps to improve healthcare worldwide. Digital healthcare products like Stoma App, which is being developed and tested in the Netherlands, are often transferable to other countries, too. We’re therefore delighted to be part of this fantastic and socially relevant initiative.”
Initiator Marlies Schijven (UMC, surgeon and Professor of Digital Health), Hein ter Braak (ABN AMRO, Tikkie Product Lead), Edwin van der Molen (ABN AMRO, Tikkie Business Developer) and Milan Kezija (UMC, Operational Logistics Manager) unveiled the new, bottle-shaped collection points last Monday. People can leave their empties there, but they can also scan a QR code to donate to the project directly, using the Tikkie payment app.
Tikkie for Healthcare is a project run by the Amsterdam UMC Foundation, which attracts funds for promising medical research at Amsterdam UMC.