Whistleblower’s reporting procedure

‘Trusted’ is one of our bank’s core values. Integrity is important in everything we do – always. We believe it is important that employees and third parties can report any actual or suspected abuses and irregularities that take place at ABN AMRO or any of its related parties (hereafter ‘ABN AMRO’). That’s why we have a whistleblowing policy and procedure in place.
For whom?
Employees and third parties can report actual or suspected abuses and irregularities that take place at ABN AMRO via our whistleblowing procedure. Employees are encouraged to first discuss actual or suspected abuses and irregularities with their manager, if possible. If this is undesirable for any reason, they can make use of the whistleblowing procedure.
What the whistleblower channel is intended for
This procedure is solely intended for reporting (potential or suspected) wrongdoings or irregularities such as:
Dishonest, fraudulent, inappropriate, illegal or negligent professional activity or behaviour by ABN AMRO personnel;
Failure by another person to act appropriately, with propriety or in accordance with the law when fulfilling their duties.
Breaches of civil law, criminal law or regulations;
Harassment, bullying or forms of discrimination in the workplace;
Violations or breaches of ABN AMRO's core values, internal rules or regulations or other unethical conduct.
What the procedure is not intended for
The bank’s whistleblowing procedure is intended solely for reporting actual or suspected abuses and irregularities. The definition of actual or suspected abuses and irregularities is provided in our whistleblowing policy.
The whistleblowing policy is not intended to cover:
Wrongdoings or complaints about clients of ABN AMRO;
Handling or reporting employees’ personal grievances.
There are several ways to report wrongdoings or irregularities related to ABN AMRO:
By phone: +31 (0)20 - 343 8792 (Please leave a voicemail outside office hours);
By sending a letter to: Whistleblower team (PAC HQ9070, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082PP Amsterdam, the Netherlands);
By a face-to-face meeting with one of the Whistleblowing team members.