Risk management
We are committed to being a well-capitalised bank with sufficient liquidity and to delivering sustainable value to our stakeholders. To live up to our commitment, we pursue sound risk/reward management and maintain a moderate risk profile bank-wide. Based on ABN AMRO’s long-term strategy, we have defined the following five key objectives with regard to risk management:
Clean and strong balance sheet
Strong focus on collateralised lending
Loan portfolio matches deposits, long-term debt and equity
Strategic focus to limit LtD ratio
Limited market risk and trading portfolios
Spreiding en gerichtheid binnen de portefeuilles
Onze kredietportefeuilles zijn volledig afgestemd op onze strategische keuzes en prioriteiten:
De kredietportefeuilles zijn beschermd tegen concentratierisico’s bij sectoren, klanten en landen
Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van concentraties worden nauwlettend gevolgd en maandelijks gerapporteerd
Gerichte groei van Corporate Banking in de landen om ons heen en in geselecteerde sectoren wereldwijd
Diversificatie via digitale uitdagers
Sound capital and liquidity management
Capital and liquidity indicators exceed current regulatory requirements
Liquidity buffer managed based on regulatory compliance and internal views
Costs for liquidity buffer charged to business to ensure proper pricing incentives
Stress testing used to manage capital & liquidity
Sustainability and transparency
Sustainable relationships with clients centre stage: long-term interests above short-term gains
Sustainable business operations (sustainable products, risk management, ecological footprint and a vital organisation)
Financial expertise used for the benefit of society
Sustainable and transparent finance and investment services
Structured approach on risk intake and monitoring
Credit risk mainly in the Netherlands and diversified across the economy
Operational risk monitored and controlled by setting limits on potential losses
Market risk low in comparison to size of the bank
Business risk continuously monitored; create a culture of innovation in a constantly changing banking landscape
Risk profile
As part of our long-term strategy, we are committed to maintaining a moderate risk profile. The risk profile is managed based on an integrated risk management framework. In this framework, all types of risk, cross-risk types and overarching risks are identified to provide one integrated view on the risk profile for the bank as a whole and on the risk profile of each individual business line. This is a yearly process which involves the relevant stakeholders and is subject to the approval of the Managing Board.
Risk taxonomy
We classify risks into types of risk to which the bank is, or could be, exposed. This is referred to as our ‘risk taxonomy’. We review and update it once a year to ensure that all material risks are identified, defined and taken into account in the risk governance framework. The risk taxonomy creates a common risk vocabulary and provides a checklist for use in risk assessments. Working this way helps us to manage all material risks and to identify roles and responsibilities.
The main categories are credit, market, operational, liquidity and business risk. Other types of risk such as reputational risk (including sustainability risk) and model risk relate to several risk types in the risk taxonomy.
Risk appetite
The risk appetite determines the level and nature of risk that the bank is willing to take in order to pursue its strategy, taking all relevant risks and stakeholders into consideration. The risks covered in the risk taxonomy are included in the risk appetite.
Risk culture
The bank continuously promotes risk awareness as part of the bank-wide risk culture. The moderate risk profile is embedded in the risk culture by means of communication and training and is monitored in performance assessments.
More information
In-depth information on risk management at ABN AMRO is provided in the Risk, funding & capital section of our Annual Report.