SEO Economic Research: object of the research
The present study is a simulation study that presents different choices of men and women as fact and makes no judgement about the desirability or feasibility of other different choices.
Simulation is not a statement of fact
Thus, the simulation shows hypothetical outcomes, even if there are (good) reasons why these hypothetical outcomes are not the actual ones. In the baseline situation, there are differences between men and women that can often be explained, at least in part. However, this calls for caution in interpreting the results. In practice, labour market adjustments are often slow, rarely frictionless, and usually result in adjustment costs. The 'simulated reality' cannot be achieved overnight, and the transition will not be without cost.
Partial effects
The study simulates changing outcomes for a selection of topics. As such, it is not a complete simulation of the effects of different choices for the distribution of the total work volume. Moreover, the reality of (in)equality is likely more complex than the simulations can capture. As a result, the simulations often show only partial effects.
Literature review and macro statistics
The simulations were performed using macroeconomic statistics and calculation factors obtained from the economic literature. No new empirical research was performed. In that sense, the simulations simply serve as a first approximation of the effects, however, they provide scope for conducting further studies to better identify or break down effects for different groups using more detailed (micro) data.
Heterogeneity and individual choices
The use of macroeconomic statistics inherently limits the scope for identifying the differences in individual choices. The same applies to identifying differences between groups with specific background characteristics. Individual choices are not included in this study and differences are only mapped for a limited selection of background characteristics.