Who we are

ABN AMRO Clearing


ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V. (AACB) is a public company with limited liability, incorporated on 26 November 1982 under Dutch Law, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (ABN AMRO Bank). AACB has its registered office in Amsterdam. It has branches in Singapore and London and 100% subsidiaries in Tokyo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Chicago and London. AACB also has offices in New York, São Paulo and Frankfurt.

The financial statements of AACB are incorporated in the consolidated financial statements of ABN AMRO Bank. As of November 2015, ABN AMRO Bank is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam Exchange. AACB does not operate a proprietary trading desk and is therefore an independent third party clearing member that does not compete with our clients.

The clearing activities of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. operate from ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V., a 100% subsidiary of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. The clearing activities are therefore legally separated from ABN AMRO Bank's general banking activities.

Dutch Banking Code

The principles of the Banking Code are applied by the ABN AMRO Bank N.V in full to all relevant entities within its group of companies on a consolidated basis. In accordance with ABN AMRO’s management framework, all members of the group are an integral part of the ABN AMRO organisation. The management framework entails that the bank’s policies and standards related to compliance with internal and external regulations and best practices are applicable to the full group and consequently are defined at group level for implementation within the different parts of the organisation. Please refer to the website of ABN AMRO and / or the annual report of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. for additional details on the application of the Dutch Banking Code.

Meet our board members

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Our commercial team is available in our offices across the globe. Do you have questions for ABN AMRO Clearing? Please reach out and one of our colleagues will get in touch with you.